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Ov Hell - Review

Monday, April 19, 2010

Ov Hell is Black Metal band from Norway, formed by "King ov Hell" former bassist of "Gorgoroth" in 2009.
Band was supposed to be called "God Seed" after the kick from "Gorgoroth" "Gaahl" and "King ov Hell" continued to work on a new band, they formed band in July 2009 but "Gaahl" was withdrew from the metal scene, and King Ov Hell was called "Shagrath" ( Dimmu Borgir vocalist ) to make the band, and they make the great one "Ov Hell".

After great work of "King of Hell" and "Shagrath" on few song they joined in band
"Frost" ( Satyricon drummer, one of the fastes drummer in world ), Teloch ( 1349 guitarist ) and Ice Dale ( Enslaved guitarist ).

Their theme speaks about Evil, Darkness, Antichristianity, War and Satanism
Here you can see the photo of the band:
From left to right:Shagrath "Stian Tomt Thoresen" and King ov Hell "Tom Cato Visnes"

- The Underworld Regime 2010 -

 Here you can buy T - Shirt Ov Hell:
Ov Hell - T-shirts - Band


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2009 ·ParkyHell by TNB